Workbook addition worksheet is one of the most essential items for any business of any type and organization. If you are a student of a college, a teacher’s aide, then you will be required to perform all kinds of calculations on your worksheets in order to make it more comprehensible.

You may not know but Excel has built-in functions that make it possible for you to carry out a simple calculation on your worksheet. This worksheet addition features will make your life easier.
The easiest way to do a simple addition is to enter in a two digit number like, 3 and use the plus sign “+” to add the two digits together. This would give you a four-digit number that you would use to carry out a common addition.

However, if you are working with more complex calculation, then it is best that you change the format to work in decimal numbers. The change is as easy as to go to the worksheet options and then change the “decimal” setting to the right number in the drop down menu.

This would enable you to enter in the same calculation but would come out in the proper unit of measurement to make it easier for you to carry out the calculation.
You may not know but this feature was introduced in Excel to make your job easier in math class or even at a high school math class. You can also find this in the “Advanced Options” area when you open the Excel menu and choose Excel Options.
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